Monday, August 22, 2011

How To Apply Photo Material In 3dsMax 2009

Okay now i`m gonna show you how to apply photo or picture material in 3ds Max 2009. Follow the steps below :

1. Click on SELECTED BY NAMES icon on toolbar. When the dialog box show up choose LAYER:FRAME and click OK.

2. Now click RENDERING on menu and choose MATERIAL EDITOR or just press M for shortcut. Choose your slot material, click on GET MATERIAL icon, when the material/map browser display check on MTL LIBRARY and OPEN. Search ARCHITECTURAL.MATERIAL.WOODS & PLASTICS.MAT and click OPEN.

3. When the material/map browser show up again, search for Woods & Plastics.Finish.Carpentry.Wood.Walnut, DOUBLE CLICK IT. After that change the name to FRAME and click on ASSIGN MATERIAL TO SELECTION icon. See the pic below :

4. Repeat step #1 but this time choose LAYER:PHOTO. When the material editor show up choose your slot material, click on DIFFUSE icon. And click on Bitmap on material/map editor dialog box. See the pic below for the steps :

5. Choose the photo on your photo library and click OPEN. Click on MODIFY icon on sub-toolbar and click NARROW DOWN and choose UVW Map. Check the BOX option and check the U & V box.

6. Now let`s run test render. Go to RENDERING on menu and choose RENDER. You can see now the photo is already apply on our model.

If you have question, feel free to ask me :)



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