Saturday, February 19, 2011

Grey`s Anatomy Monologues & Music Featured S07E15 - Golden Hour -

Grey`s Anatomy Monologue S07E15 - Golden Hour -
Opening :
How much can you actually
accomplish in an hour?

Run an errand maybe?
Sit in traffic?
Get an oil change?

When you think about it,
an hour isn't very long.
60 minutes
3,600 seconds.
That's it.

In medicine, though,
an hour is often everything.
We call it the golden hour.

That magical window of time
that can determine
whether a patient lives...
or dies. - dr. Meredith Grey -

Music Featured :
Closing :
An hour...
one hour...
can change everything...

An hour can save your life.
An hour can change your mind.
Sometimes an hour is just
a gift we give ourselves.

For some, an hour can mean almost nothing.
For others...
an hour makes all
the difference in the world.

But in the end...
it's still just an hour...
one of many...
many more to come.
60 minutes...
3,600 seconds...
That's it.
And it starts all over again.

And who knows what the next hour might old?. - dr. Meredith Grey -


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